Hi! Call me Grissom1. I’m generally described as a hella smart queer dude. I am asexual, demi-romantic, and genderqueer.2 My pronouns are xe/xemXe dressed xemself this morning. That's xyr book, it belongs to xem and is all xyrs. The 'x' is pronounced like a 'z'.
, they/themThey dressed themself this morning. That's their book, it belongs to them and is all theirs.
, or ze/zerZe dressed zerself this morning. That's zer book, it belongs to zer and is all zers.
. I'm also autistic3.
I made this site to collect things, especially fandom meta and other miscellanea that I like. (And yes, the aesthetic of the site is on purpose. I wanted to invoke the look of a late nineties Geocities fan site.) It's currently under construction- see my To-Do list for upcoming pages. You can also find me on my much more active blog. I also have accounts on ff.net, AO3, and TvTropes.
Want to talk to me? I speak English and French, and can be reached at earhart415@gmail.com. Please allow up to one week for a reply.