
The Internet Archive: Seriously one of the most useful websites out there. Has both the Wayback Machine and a huge, totally free library of media, including literally millions of books available to download or borrow.
Wikipedia: Seems pretty obvious, but gives you the world's knowledge at your fingertips, all for free.
Long-time nuclear waste warning messages
List of individual dogs
Who put Bella in the Wych Elm?
That 'S'. You know the one.
Three Wolf Moon
List of unsolved deaths
Numbers station
Lists of people who disappeared
Demon core
List of unusual deaths

Amusement park accidents
'From Hell' letter
List of unidentified murder victims
Yosemite Sam (shortwave)
List of solved missing persons cases
List of unsolved murders
Emperor Norton
School bus yellow
Le Loyon
My userpage

TV Tropes: Waste an afternoon and ruin your life.
The Anarchist Library: Collection of anarchist works and thought, all available for free and simple download.
spooky-ghostwriter's Stand Stats Maker: Make your own stand stats!
Moon Locator: Find the moon relative to your position and its phase.
QZAP: The Queer Zine Archive Project, a collection of queer zines from the 70s to present day.
Wide-band WebSDR: Listen to radio transmissions online. I recommend starting with 4625 kHz.
Sesame Street Fighter: Exactly what it sounds like.
The Books of Bokonon: The entirety of the Books of Bokonon from Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle- one of my favorite books of all time.
Pretend You're Xyzzy: Free online Cards Against Humanity clone
The Charley Project: Database of missing persons cases from the early 1900s to today.
RationalWiki: Online wiki on pseudoscience and right wing extremism.
Library Genesis: Huge online database of books, papers, magazines, and other texts. If this URL doesn't work, try one of their alternates.
Library Genesisx→∞: Library Genesis' database of comics, now at its own separate address.
Anna's Archive: Biggest online database of books, papers, magazines, and other texts- mirrors everything from Library Genesis, the Internet Archive, SciHub, and more.
Heart Locket Maker: Express your true love
Video Toolbox: Useful and fast online video editing site that's especially good for quick cuts and conversions.
Historical Currency Converter: Convert American or British currency to modern values.
OIE: Useful online image editor for adding cheesy glitter and frames to your pics.
Friendship Ended Generator: Make your own "Friendship ended with" pic!
The Cutting Room Floor: Online wiki of all the weird finds and beta editions in video games.
Things I Learn From My Patients: Funny forum of wild ER and EMT stories.
Pac-Man Google Doodle: Fun fact, within a week of this doodle people wasted almost 5 million hours playing this at work.
The Super Simple Userbox Maker: Make simple userboxes. Available both for wikis that use Wikipedia-style markups and in HTML- it's what I used on my about me page.
MobileRead's Kindle Developer Corner: A forum of various jailbreaks and applications for kindle e-readers, for general utility, fun, and accessibility.
reddit: Interesting forum-like site made up of millions of different sub-communities.
Rare lobsters
Unresolved Mysteries
Insane People of Facebook
Pictures of terrible taxidermy
Chairs Underwater
In-depth posts
Not The Onion
Crappy Design
Recycled Retail Buildings
Evil buildings
shitty movie details
Grateful Doe
crazy buildings that are one of a kind
making those r/twosentencehorror posts positive
Get all the deets on fandom drama without having to get involved

Boil the Frog: Make a spotify playlist from almost any artist to another. Has some issues with non-English names.
The 108 Defilements of Buddhism: The 108 sins of Buddhism, if you ever wonder why that number seems to show up in anime a lot.
Rare Historical Photos: Cool old pictures with the stories behind them.
Piskel: Awesome site for making pixels and sprites.
Name Nerds' Least Favorite Names: People roasting names for a variety of valid and stupid reasons.
Queer Music Heritage: Page collecting the extensive history of queer folx in music (and entertainment in general).
Koalas to the Max: Koalas!
CoolMathGames: You remember this from school.
Novel Updates: Fan translations of light novels and web serials
You Shall Not Pass: Can you generate a password that meets the requirements?

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